Tallinn Architecture Biennale Estonia, AESOP European Urban Summer School 2011, modeLab Parametric Design Workshop, AIM - Architects in Mission

Английская версия сайта  АРХИНФО приглашает принять участие в международном конкурсе для молодых архитекторов "Леонардо 2011", разработать "зелёную среду" в индустриальном районе Пекина и побывать на Биеннале Архитектуры в Таллине. Другие новости мировой архитектуры в английской версии сайта.

Tallinn Architecture Biennale Estonia

Tallinn Architecture Biennale Estonia

Tallinn Architecture Biennale is a new architecture forum that brings together theory and practice, young and experienced architects in order to arouse rich discussion over architecture, urban planning and landscape issues. First TAB concentrates on the hybrid issue of Landscape Urbanism. >>

AESOP European Urban Summer School 2011

AESOP European Urban Summer School 2011

AESOP European Urban Summer School aims at bringing together young professionals and experienced academics and practitioners across Europe to discuss planning issues. >>

modeLab Parametric Design Workshop

modeLab Parametric Design Workshop

Studio Mode/modeLab is pleased to announce the upcoming modeLab Parametric Design Workshop in New York City over the weekend of August 20/21, 2011. In response to the overwhelming interest and success of last month’s workshop, modeLab will conduct one last Parametric Design Workshop this summer. >>


Leonardo 2011 Award

Leonardo 2011 Award

The organizer of IVth Minsk international competition of young architects “Leonardo 2011” (further The Biennale) is Belarusian Union of Architects (BUA). Biennale is held under the auspices and with the support of Ministry of Architecture and Construction of Republic of Belarus, Ministry of culture of Republic of Belarus, Minsk Executive Committee, Intergovernmental Foundation for Educational, Scientific and Cultural Cooperation of the CIS (IFESCCO), International Union of Architects (UIA), International Association of Unions of Architects (IAUA). >>


AIM -  Architects in Mission

AIM - Architects in Mission

During the process of urbanization in China, the CBD, or Central Business District, has been the buzz word which has attracted the most attention. As the CBD expands, so has the urban GFA, resulting in a centralized work place, better working efficiency and increased economic investment and return. >>

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