Announcing UDL's 2015/16 Programme/Программа Урбан Дизайн Лондон 2015-2015

We have great pleasure in announcing our programme for 2015/16.  Download our 2015/16 programme here. We are planning 80 useful sessions for those planning, designing, building, funding and managing London’s built environment. In UDL fashion we will be keeping the events practical, making sure they are both interesting and useful for you and your colleagues.

We remain a membership organisation dedicated to helping London’s public sector officers and councillors.  As such we have very good value membership packages for local authorities and housing associations. 
In the past we have offered some pay to use places at our events.  But this year we have received over 3500 bookings and many events have been over booked.  So to ensure we continue to offer the best service we can for our members from now we will only offer ad hoc places if there are very special circumstances.  Instead we have specific membership options for charities, government bodies, local authorities on the other side of the M25 and up to 10 other professionals or firms.  Please just ask for details.
If you want to come along to UDL events from April onwards please let us know so we can discuss the best membership package for you.  If you have already confirmed your new membership apologies.

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