UIA-PHG 2020 Seminar - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

 uia-phg 2020 rio seminar flyer.jpg


All the Worlds, Just One World: Architecture 21


Institute of Architects of Brazil


Píer Mauá, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


July 21-23, 2020

Call for presentations

Presentation types:  

(1) Research and (2) Design Project


(1) Health & Cities and (2) Architecture for Health


(1) Research: 500-word abstract, 

(2) Design Project: 250-word project description and no more than 3-page A3-size drawings/images 



Send the abstract to jmn@uia2020rio.archi


March 1, 2020

Detailed Requirements
Please refer to following documents for detailed requirements of the abstracts:


Integrated with the 27th UIA World Congress (July 21th to 23th, 2020), Rio de Janeiro will host the 40th UIA-Public Health Group (UIA-PHG) Seminar (UIA-PHG 2020). Founded in 1955, UIA- PHG has become one of the most active UIA work groups: its members have represented more than 60 countries on all continents. UIA-PHG 2020 is being organized by the Brazilian Institute of Architects (IAB), the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ), and the Brazilian Association for Hospital Development (ABDEH).

Through the dedication of its professional and academic participants, UIA-PHG aims to improve the efficiency, safety, and quality of health environments. It seeks to provide knowledge that facilitates the design, planning and construction to promote healthier and higher quality of life.

The themes of UIA-PHG2020 are concordant with those established for the UIA2020 Congress: Diversity and Mixture; Changes and Emergencies; Vulnerabilities and Inequalities; Transience and Flows. These themes will encourage in-depth discussions in social, technological and environmental dimensions, as well as professional practice, network strengthening, building requalification and access to public goods and services, which have been important topics for UIA-PHG throughout its years of existence.

Now we call for papers and projects to be submitted to the Committee. The paper abstracts and projects will be blind-reviewed by a committee composed of UIA-PHG members. Papers and projects in following tracks are encouraged to submit: Health and Cities and Architecture for Health. The 40th PHG International Seminar website will be online shortly. For more information, please contact imn@uia2020rio.archi.


         1 March 2020: article and project submissions.

         2 March - 8 March 2020: on line distribution of the papers and projects to the reviewers.

         09 March - 10 April 2020: reviews.

         11 March - 24 May 2020: selection to decide which Works will be approved.

         25 May 2020: Notification of acceptance.

         15 June 2020: Registration deadline for authors.


         Language: English, Portuguese or Spanish.

         Authors: No more than four (4) authors.

         Word limit: No more than 500 words.

         Contents: may include title, introduction/background, research question(s)/aims, research method, analysis, results, discussion, and conclusion.

         Key words: Up to six key words.

         Images: No more than five (3) images.


         Language: English, Portuguese or Spanish.

         Authors: No more than eight (8) authors and cannot be authored by an organization or company.

         Format: No more than 3 pages, A3 size, Landscape orientation.

         File Format: PDF

         Project description: No more than 250 words, including project title, location, size, project type and main design concepts/ideas.


One of the hot topics is related to analyzing and studying the relationship between health and the urban environment, through a variety of professionals, including architects and urban planners, landscapists, geographers, engineers, doctors, nurses, nutritionists, epidemiologists, sanitarians, public administrators, and others. Urban health has been of concern to the World Health Organization (WHO) since the mid-1980s. The WHO Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, published in 1986, has been considered as a milestone for this discussion.

City planning works with a complexity of infrastructure plans and systems, environmental issues, population growth, economic activities, and others, whose dynamics generate impacts on the health of its inhabitants, with risks connected that can be observed and worked in the perspective of solutions or problems determined by the built environment. At present, other phenomena such as migrations, the refugee crisis and the increase in precarious settlements have brought other important and necessary implications in the area of global health.

Studies on the health situation in cities and towns comprise disciplines and diverse approaches that compose a set of complementary observations necessary for the debate of public policies, with a health approach in different scales and segments of the population, from urban to housing. In this sense, the theme of habitat and healthy housing, created by PAHO / WHO since 1985, articulates studies on the influence of external factors on built environments, and their consequences of risk and vulnerability on human and environmental health.

The understanding and study of these cause-effect mediations, that is, how intervention occurs in the external and internal space, in the individual and the collective, can be a way of reducing the inequalities and social inequities of the health-disease process. This theme is expected to contribute to the broad understanding of health proposed by WHO, in line with the axes indicated by UIA 2020, but with the privileged view of architects and urban planners.

Articles and projects must be sent to jmn@uia2020rio.archi.


This track is to discuss experiences regarding architects' training and professional practice, related to health issues. These experiences can be presented as theoretical studies the form or professional practice based -such as projects of health equipment innovation, adaptation, renovation, requalification, retrofit, as well as in the form of structural projects, new technologies, materials, among others, for different health environments, such as hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, sanatoriums, health posts, biomedical research laboratories, teaching and development, pharmaceutical industry and other related spaces.

Health buildings use to be a challenge to architectural professional activity, which contacts him/her with equipment, technological solutions, materials, flows, etc. Modern and contemporary architects consider the hospital project one of the most complexes in architecture, being the professional of this field of knowledge, the most capable of bringing together, under his direction, different professionals, such as doctors, nurses, and administrators. Such projects, which include laboratories, should be driven by guidelines for health, comfort, humanization, sustainability, maintenance facilities, without mention the aesthetic part, which supports the recovery and well-being of the patient, and the satisfaction of the multidisciplinary team that operates in the health spaces. It is also important to study healthy housing, focusing on the internal factors of risk and vulnerability in buildings and their effects considering human and environmental health, without neglecting the relationship between constructive and human pathologies.

This theme analyzes from history and culture on the formation, performance and practice of health professionals in their various fields of knowledge, added to the concerns with the preservation of the environmental patrimony. The medicine advancement often imposes changes in health settings that change their traditional setting, placing them in opposite spaces. This seminar proposes itself to be a privileged discussing field between these two practices, seeking to unite intervention with preservation.

Articles and projects must be sent to imn@uia2020rio.archi.


With the theme "All Worlds. One world only. Architecture 21" expectation of 20,000 participants, including professionals and students, the 27th World Congress of Architects will make Rio the epicenter of the debate on the future of the world's cities. Promoted by the International Union of Architects (UIA) and organized by the Institute of Architects of Brazil (IAB), the event invites experts and enthusiasts from more dynamic, fair and sustainable cities to discuss solutions from July 19 to 23, 2020. Congress will be also preceded by preparatory events, such as exhibitions, seminars, and workshops, which take place throughout the country.

Participation in PHG 2020 is combined with participation in the UIA2020RIO World Congress of Architects. Ensure your presence on the official website (https://www.uia2020rio.archi/).


Rio de Janeiro is the first World Capital of Architecture, an unprecedented title won by the City of Rio de Janeiro and the Institute of Architects of Brazil (IAB) and awarded by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the International Union of Architects (UIA). Throughout 2020, the city will host a series of events, including the 27th World Congress of Architects and the World Cities Forum, as well as exhibitions and public competitions (https://www.uia2020rio.archi/). As well as showing the world the architectural richness of Rio, this titling is also an opportunity for reflection on the future and to plan what you want for cities around the world.


Rio de Janeiro, PHG 2020 edition headquarters, and recently consecrated World Architecture Capital, has many examples of urban interventions and buildings planned as an attempt to solve health problems of its population throughout history. This built heritage marks the history of ideas in medicine and the health policies of the Brazilian State. The possibility of presenting and visiting them during the UIA Congress highlights this item as a potential to be explored.

The definition of health itself has been increasing in the last decades since its understanding as a quality of life. The concept of Health Promotion, discussed in the health reform, is the bridge between several areas of professional and teaching activity related to public health policies. For the World Health Organization, health is "a complete state of physical, mental and social well­being and not just the absence of disease or infirmity." For this organization, the new paradigm of public health oscillates between the individual medical model and the social model that: "considers health as a result of the influences and effects caused by socioeconomic status, culture, environmental conditions, housing, employment and for life in a community. " In the two dimensions, individual and collective, social capital (given by existing networks of solidarity, trust, and support), human capital (obtained through knowledge) and physical capital (represented by physical space) affect the network of relations between the various social determinants and positively or negatively impact on health status.

For the Commission on Social Determinants of Health, established by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation in 2008, "social, economic, cultural, ethnic/racial, psychological and behavioral factors influence the occurrence of health problems and their risk factors in the population." We can also include intervention, information, and education, as mechanisms that influence social conditions and, consequently, health. As an intervention, studies on sanitation, housing and urbanism can be understood, which are interconnected with economic and social conditions and impact on the health-disease process. The field that studies the political and social character and the intervention in the practical life to eliminate the factors that relate to the health of the population is the field of public health.

For 2020 we propose the PHG seminar as part of the activities of the 27th UIA World Congress to be held in Rio de Janeiro from July 21-23. The work of the 40th PHG Seminar will follow Call for Papers proposals, with blind peer evaluation and ad hoc referees, of national and international renown, aiming at preserving the quality of presentations and discussions. 

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