3d International Alvar Aalto Meeting on Modern Architecture

30 - 31 August 2008

The 3rd International Meeting on the Research of Modern Architecture, organised by the Alvar Aalto Academy, examines the points of contact, the influences and effects, the interactions and affiliations, the correlations and cross-fertilisations, the bonds and links between thinking, designing, and building.

Chaired by Kari Jormakka, the meeting takes place in August, 2008, in Helsinki and Jyväskylä, Finland, bringing together practicing architects and architectural pedagogues, philosophers and art historians, sociologists and cultural theorists. In addition to presentations by distinguished invited speakers.

One of the speakers, Leslie Kavanaugh is both an architect and a philosopher. She is a registered architect in both America and the Netherlands. She is a member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA). She holds not only degrees in architecture but a B.Phil., M.Phil., and a Ph.d. in Philosophy from the University of Amsterdam. At present, she is a Senior Researcher specializing in the philosophy of space and time at TUDelft, and Program Director of the Ph.d. School, the Delft School of Design (DSD). Kavanaugh recently published: The Architectonic of Philosophy: Plato, Aristotle, Leibniz (Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam Press, 2007). Other recent publications include “On the Aggregation of Bodies and the Unity of Monadic Substances: The Problem of Cohesion” for the International Leibniz Conference Proceedings, Hannover; and “The Ontology of Dwelling: Heidegger and Levinas” in Hauptmann, Deborah (ed.); Bodies in Architecture (Rotterdam: 010 Publishers, 2006). Forthcoming is the volume entitled: "Chrono-topologies: Hybrid Spatialities and Multiple Temporalities" with contributions from esteemed international scholars exploring the consequences of time, and its relationship with space through a multi-disciplinary approach, including the philosophy of space and time, social geography, economic theory, post-Marxian social theory, new network theory, philosophy of art and culture, musicology, evolutionary biology, historiography, psychoanalytic theory, and global-local urbanism debates.


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