London Festival of Architecture 2008

The London Festival of Architecture invites people to Take a Fresh Look at London. The central theme of 'fresh' is reflected in series of events that cover all five Festival Hubs. The LFA Fresh Flower pavilion designed by Tonkin Liu Architects will serve as a mobile platform for Fresh Thinking talks; the National Architecture Student Festival showcases Fresh Talent from a dozen universities; a series of expert design workshops will take a Fresh Approach to some of London's lost quarters; our guided walks and cycle rides encourage people to explore the city in the Fresh Air; and talks about Fresh Food and urban agriculture accompany a series of urban allotment installations and a public picnic.

The Festival saw sold-out talks from international names such as Daniel Libeskind, David Chipperfield, Rafael Viсoly, Cesar Pelli, Rem Koolhaas and LFA President Peter Ackroyd along with inspiring, interactive temporary structures and installations from the likes of Foster + Partners, Tonkin Liu and Carmody Groarke.

The EXYZT Lido in Southwark showed how the Festival could successfully engage with the local community, the Embassy Project gave the Festival an international dimension while architectural practices around London opened their doors to the public.

The biennial London Festival of Architecture 2008 has come to a close after a month that saw a buzz of activity move through five Hub areas across the city, bringing large scale temporary structures and major street closures animated by art, music, dance and other events as well as exhibitions, walks, talks, boat and bicycle rides and performances to London’s architecture novices and industry experts alike.

During that time some 250,000 people attended Festival events and many thousands more saw the street gallery exhibitions and installations located around the city.

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