Maxmix Cities

The third edition of the international consultation “Celebration of Cities”, CC3, was announced during the UIA Congress in Turin, on 4 July 2008.

This ideas consultation, in two separate categories, is open to architects and students of architecture throughout the world. It is organised in two phases: a first selection will be made on national level, by a jury appointed by each UIA Member Section. The projects chosen in this first phase (10 projects per Member Section) will be submitted to an international jury that will select the outright winners.

CC3 is organised by the UIA Korean Section, the Federation of Institutes of Architects (FIKA), with the collaboration of the particpating UIA Member Sections. The Korean office Space Group will assure its management.

The theme chosen for CC3 is: “MAXMIX Cities”: activities, built elements, spaces, may all be mingled, “mixed”, to allow cities attain maximum quality of life.

MAXMIX CITIES is a response to the multiple contradictions of contemporary cities: high density and anonymity; man’s distance from nature and his desire to retrieve it; opposition between the urban world and the rural world, between the past and the present.
How can we mix the elements of this urban reality to improve the quality of life in cities today and respond to the aspirations of the citizens? This is the objective of the competition for which the projects should be set in a real situation.

A grand prize of 5 000 euros will be awarded in each category (students and professionals). In addition, the jury will award a prize of 1 000 euros per category in each of the five UIA Regions.

 A process entirely on internet
The competition is organised entirely on internet on the web site:
The registration fees, to be paid exclusively through Pay Pal, are 80 euros for professionals; 20 euros for students. The on line payment will be made . Participants will be free to use the language of their choice but a translation into English or French must also be submitted.

 Main dates
Questions from competitors to the organisers: until 20 January 2009
Opening of registration and the simultaneous on line transmission of projects: 5 May 2009
Closing of registration and transmission of projects: 15 May 2009
National selection: July 2009
International selection: October 2009
Announcement of the results: November 2009

 Information, registration, transmission of projects:

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