Milan Design Week 2009: Zona Tortona



The project called Zona Tortona is based on a set of activities.
During the first two editions, in 2002 and 2003, Zona Tortona enjoyed a considerable and increasing success, in terms of national and international visibility as well as in terms of the interest it rose in the people operating in this sector: with their large and qualified presence, they have transformed it in a big and unanimous event, not to be missed during the period of the “Fuori Salone”.
Alongside Superstudiopiù, which houses some of the most representatives brands of the international design, some traditional locations, such as Magna Pars, Superstudio 13, Industria Superstudio are part of the circuit too; for the occasion, the locations will be borrowed from other firms, as well as from shops, bars and restaurants that are willing to welcome the “people of design”.

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