Evgeny Asse, head of the “Asse Architects”, professor and the head of the Workshop for Experimental and Educational Projecting at the Moscow Architectural Institute (MArchI), member of the European Cultural Parliament





…For me, the Internet is a vast volume of information including the information on architecture. In many respects, the World Net has replaced architectural newspapers and magazines, which would not be able to compete with the Internet, because they constitute somewhat different source of information.

However, myself being rather a conservative, I prefer, even having received an information in electronic form, to print it at the paper carrier. I agree that the Internet is a very good mean for promoting brands.

There are very few portals in Russia as yet, which could present daily information on architecture. I use several foreign web-sites, where I can find information interesting for me every day. Strangely enough, today the international news can be known faster and in a larger volume. The foreign architecture is presented in the Internet much fuller and in greater details.  In Russia, the main accent is made on personal sites of architects or those of architectural bureaus, that, for me personally, is interesting not every day. 

I can add that as to architectural critics and journalism in Russia – everything stands rather dramatically. To read the most part of architectural texts, both: in mass media and in professional periodicals is not interesting. I do not consider that they can somehow help me or the other architects to gain in understanding the refinements of the profession. That is, in many respects they are dedicated to the politics, to intrigues, but not much to architecture. One wouldn’t like to have the same situation at the professional Internet-portal.

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