Dedalo Minosse International Prize

From the 16th December to 19th December the Dedalo Minosse International Prize land to Russia
On 16th December the Dedalo Minosse exhibition opens, near Moscow, in "Museum", club house Pirogovo.
The location of the exhibit is the opera of Totan Kuzembaev, who participated to the 7th editinon of Dedalo Minosse International Prize. Totan Kuzembaev's client is one of the four who received a recommendation from the Chamber of Commerce of the Vicenza's Province.
On 16th December, Marcella Gabbiani, General Coordinator and Roberto Tretti, Director of Dedalo Minosse Prize, take part to the opening and attend the Congress Steering Committee of Baltic Architecture Center with the chief architect of Riga, sponsor of this initiative. On 17th the Dedalo Minosse representatives answer to the questions of students and young architects. On 18th a round table with the Union of Architects is held on the Prize.
The exhibition is open until to 19th December. 

The Dedalo Minosse International Prize for commissioning a building, which takes place in Vicenza, the city of Palladio, is promoted by ALA-Assoarchitetti, the association for professional architects, in collaboration with l'ARCA, the international magazine of architecture, design and visual communication, and the Regione del Veneto*.
Dedalo Minosse, which with this edition is celebrating the first ten years since its foundation, is the only prize of its kind. Indeed it acknowledges the value of the design and puts the spotlight on the commissioning parties, who are often overlooked when it comes to architecture. The fact that quality architectural creations can only result from a meeting of minds between those promoting it and those designing it is often forgotten. In fact it is the architects themselves that sponsor their clients for the conferment of this prestigious award.

The Jury assigned the following awards:

- the Dedalo Minosse International Prize, to a Client who commissioned a professional Architect from any country in the world;
- the Dedalo Minosse International Prize-OCCAM Under 40, to a Client who commissioned a young professional Architect from any country in the world;
- the ALA-Assoarchitetti Prize, to a Client who commissioned an Italian professional Architect;
- the ALA-Assoarchitetti Prize Under 40, to a Client who commissioned a young Italian professional Architect;

- the Dedalo Minosse Honorary Decennial Prize.

The Jury also assigned other special awards and commendations, allocated by Patron bodies and sponsors, that embrace the following issues:
- social and economic sustainability;
- works inspired by Design for All;
- use of the natural light;
- sustainable use of the territory, the resources and the energy;
- enhancement of the environment and the landscape;
- enhancement and conservation of the architectural and historic heritage;
- use of innovative technologies and materials;
- ecologic and renewable architecture, biocompatibility.


Dedalo Minosse International Prize
Contrà S. Ambrogio, 5 - 36100 Vicenza, Italia
Telefono e fax: +39 0444 235476
Skype id: dedalominosse

Organizing committee
Bruno Gabbiani, president
Roberto Tretti
Giovanni Magnabosco
Marcella Gabbiani
Stefano Battaglia
Giovanni Maria Vencato
Nicola Siddi

Organizing secretariat office
Nadia Possidente
Laura Pierantoni

Exhibition layout
Stefano Battaglia
Marcella Gabbiani
Michele Zorzan

Public relations
Via Mulini, 11 - 27029 Vigevano (PV) - Italy

Press office
Studio Roscio
Via Bistolfi, 49 - 20134 Milano - Italy

Press office
Studio ADC
Contrà San Marco, 52 - 36100 Vicenza - Italy

Graphic design
Claudia Cogato Lanza

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