
 3-6 November 2011, 12-00 – 20-00, Free entrance

The Scientific CardboardTown on the territory of Russia, Ulianovsk city
The Personages of Cardboardia believe that everyone can create something new and they are really sure that they can reinvent the wheel. And the Tyran supports all the innovations and hopes that Cardboardia will be full of different beautiful inventions! Top brains of the Cardboardia will arrange an engineering breakthrough and will make cardboard revolve round its axis!
 During the IV Contest  of Architecture and Design of Cardboardia (http://kartonsk.cardboardia.info/index.php?lang=en&item=2&tread=1) the participants will construct airbuses and other massive technological devices on the territory of Ulianovsk city, the city which is not only seems to be new cultural capital of Russia but also an educational and aircraft-researching center. The main requirement for the participants – their devices should be cute and run!
 Traditionally, everyone can find the best job in  Cardboardia – you can work at administration or open your own shop, project office or arrange an entertaining or educational event.
 Terms and conditions you can request at cardboardiacontest (@) gmail.com
 Visitors of Scientific CardboardTown of Cardboardia can pass “Bureaucratic quest” and become a Personage, Cardboardia citizen. We’ll not forget about tourist entertainments. Main events would be held on the Central Square and Theatre – Really Free Market, Cardboard Tubes Fight and competitions on the only official kind of sport in Cardboardia - Rock-Paper-Scissors. Political life of the city wouyldn’t be stopped also – the Cardboardia Administration will held next single option Election of the Tyran when everybody can make his choice and be helpful for themselves and for the society.



 Sergey Korsakov (The Tyran),  tyran  @   cardboardia.info Victoria Novikova (Prime 
Victoria), +7 962 9467685, glavnajaviktoria  @   gmail.com

 international community:


Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/cardboardia/

Video: http://vimeo.com/cardboardia/


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