World of Architecture
INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION: Young architect competition in Moscow
MosBuild - the largest annual international construction exhibition in Europe and Russia with 'UFI Approved Event' status is proud to launch the third edition of this international contest for architects and students in architecture in order to select the best projects in two categories.
Participation in cingress UIAs in Durban
Ordinary Congress UIA, held once every three years , will be held in Durban , South Africa , from 3 to 7 August 2014 . Congress theme "Architecture everywhere » (ARCHITECTURE OTHERWHERE). To participate offers several possibilities. Currently, ends up a program of the participants .
Against the backdrop of this diverse and multi-layered city, UIA 2014 Durban invites practitioners, academics, designers and students from all disciplines involved with city making to contribute to a unique debate on human settlements and the evolution of cities.
Architecture OTHERWHERE Durban 2014
The diverse and multi-layered nature of Durban will guide the UIA 2014 congress as a living laboratory of OTHERwhere celebrated as an antidote to the sameness of globalization, as diversity, allowing differences to coexist and to inform each other. UIA 2014 will explore space, place and associated meaning, acknowledging architecture as a major force that may be harnessed towards a better life for all.
Durban 2014
As the Tokyo congress came to a close, the world's architects turned their sights toward Durban, South Africa, for our profession’s next global event.
Connections, diversity, integration, resilience, sustainability, responsibility, humility; these are the principles that will guide the dynamic, challenging and inspiring debates during the UIA Congress in Durban (3-7 August 2014).
European Forum For Architectural Policies
Dear Members, chers Membres de l'EFAP-FEPA , Following the convocation and agenda sent to you on 26 March 2013, it is a pleasure to announce that the following documents are available on the EFAP website / Suite à la convocation et l'ordre du jour envoyés le 26 Mars 2013, j'ai le plaisir de vous informer que les documents suivants sont disponibles sur le site Web de l'EFAP:
Architectural Competition "Balancing Pavilion"
International Cultural Project «Art-Residence» The competition is open for architects, artists, designers, engineers, interdisciplinary groups, students of according institutions.
Moscow master planner brings her love of the city to her job
The extra work was catch-up for her Russian education, allowing her to graduate both from high school in Moscow and from a private high school in Albany, New York, near where her father, the research scientist Robert Nigmatulin, had a position at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Neutelings Riedijk Architecten, Rotterdam
During the last 25 years, Neutelings Riedijk Architecten, one of the most prolific practices in the Netherlands, imposed themselves by conceiving complicated projects, by their programmes, their forms and their envelopes.

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