Architectural studio of S. Romanov

Sergey Romanov is the leader of the studio ¹1 of GUP MNIIP “Mosprojekt -4”. Also he is professor of Moscow Architectural Institute, laureate of international competitions, master of architecture, member of the union of architects, and Honorable architect of Russia.

Studio ¹ 1 is one of the basic structural subdivisions of the design institute GUP MNIIP “Mosprojekt -4” since 1968. Since 1998, after reorganization, the studio has a new team and a new leader.

It is a general project studio and it has the functions of development of design documentation at all blueprint stages for all divisions by their own forces and by the forces of subcontracting organizations. It also has the function of architectural supervision of objects of building.

Specialization of the studio –  multi-story dwelling and public buildings. They are:

- Multi-story multifunctional dwelling buildings and complexes;

- Multifunctional public buildings;

- Commercial and entertainment complexes;

- Administrative and office buildings;

- Multifunctional sport buildings and centers;

- Cultural objects

The degree of the complexity of objects is unconfined, but, as a rule, the studio usually finds solutions of questions and problems, connected with design of nonstandard objects of increased complexity, including unique objects.

The studio works both with private investors and with the Government of Moscow.

Architectural studio of S. Romanov on ArchInfo.Ru

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