3 Archinfo.ru - Международный портал (Архитектура, Информация, Россия)
Экспертные материалы
A&N: Конференция БОЛЬШАЯ МОСКВА.
1 блок. Формула города. Экология и социология урбанизма, принципы «зеленого» проектирования. Имидж и инвестиционная привлекательность.
Экспертное заключение по стадиону «Динамо»
Автор - советник Российской академии архитектуры и строительных наук Татьяна Кудрявцева
Северный участок Люблинско-Дмитровской линии
Сооружение северного участка Люблинско – Дмитровской линии позволит сформировать диаметральную линию метрополитена с организацией пересадочного узла на станции Петровско-Разумовская и позволит обеспечить транспортное обслуживание населения районов Бутырский, Тимирязевский, Бескудниковский, Западное и Восточное Дегунино, с численностью населения 400,0 тыс.чел.; создаст скоростную связь между северными, центральными, юго-восточными и южными районами города и снизит нагрузку действующих пересадочных узлов.
Daniel Libeskind: Archi-World® Academy Award
Studio Daniel Libeskind www.daniel-libeskind.com From the Jewish Museum of Berlin – his first building - to his work at the site of the Twin Towers in New York, the architect Daniel Libeskind confronts his emotions to invent a new architecture.
Christoph Ingenhoven: Archi-World® Academy Award
Ingenhoven Architects www.ingenhovenarchitects.com Since 1985, when he started as an architect, Christoph Ingenhoven (1960) has found it natural to combine his architecture with sustainable development. That was and remains his architectural approach: sophisticated, transparent and human buildings that are technically interesting and energy efficient.
Francine HOUBEN: Archi-World® Academy Award
It is common knowledge that the Dutch practices have influenced architecture in Europe during these last twenty years. With many projects calling for cutting-edge theories, Francine Houben is part of this dominant trend.
MARIO CUCINELLA: Archi-World® Academy Award
Mario Cucinella Architects www.mcarchitectsgate.it The Italian Mario Cucinella always bases his architectural process on a rigorous approach balancing natural resources.
Bjarke INGELS: Archi-World® Academy Award
BIG www.big.dk Developing strong architectural experiences deliberately departing from the standards and formalism the Danish architect constantly redefines methods, processes and concepts in order to renew the view on architecture.
Ma Yansong: Archi-World® Academy Award
MAD www.i-mad.com A young architect from Beijing, Ma Yansong is an emblem of the new wave of Chinese experimental architecture. His visionary, sometimes humorous approach gives everyone the freedom to develop their own experience of the city.
Kengo KUMA: Archi-World® Academy Award
Kengo Kuma & Associates www.kkaa.co.jp Rooted into the vernacular Japanese architecture, the work of Kengo Kuma is well anchored in the 21st century. It is a perfect synthesis between East and West, tradition and creativity, nature and built environment.

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