Acad. Georgi Stoilov, IAA President, Past UIA President
Международная Академия Архитектуры объединяет лидеров отрасли – Академиков Архитектуры из 89 стран. Основными задачами IAA являются стимулирование развития архитектуры, градостроительства и теории архитектуры.
Президент Международной Академии Архитектуры Георгий Стоилов считает, что такие события как МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙ КОНГРЕСС «АРХИТЕКТУРА» необходимы, подчёркивает высокий уровень Конгресса как события, которое продвигает развитие архитектуры, где встречаются все отрасли, которые принимают решения об изменении городского пространства при главенствующей роли архитектуры.
Академия уверена, что такие события необходимы с точки зрения привлечения активного внимания к качеству и творческому подходу в проектировании своего будущего.
Это событие станет важным этапом совместной работы Международной Академии Архитектуры и Агентства Архитектор.
Patronage the International Academy of Architecture
Georgi Stoilov was born in Kondofrey, in the district of Radomir, he has received his degree in architecture from The Moscow Institute of Architecture in 1954 and has specialized in urbanism in Paris in 1965, he has started his artistic career in the large school of more than a few generations of Bulgarian architects “Glavproject” and has dedicated years to the Architects of Bulgaria Union. All this makes Georgi Stoilov a phenomenon in its own right in the Bulgarian architecture in the second half of the XX century.
It is also true that the recent history is, too, is closely linked with his name. It is true that the history of the Architects of Bulgaria Union (ABU) is interwoven with his the history of his life. As a brilliant organizer he dedicated many years to the development of the Bulgarian architecture, to our artistic union.
As every artist Georgi Stoilov has a complex, multi-layered personality.
A knowledgeable specialist who passionately – this word conveys precisely the nature of his temperament – goes from architectural and plastic problems to problems concerning aesthetics and sociology.
His artistic path is connected with a large scope of issues: from the active designing to the implementation of significant projects, from scientific and theoretic work to publishing activity, from administrative obligations to the occupying of important public positions, from an opinion shared to the asserting of his civil beliefs.
• A designer – the author of significant works and a laureate of architectural competitions;
• One of the founders of the Architects of Bulgaria Union and its chairman in the periods: 1965 – 1968 and 1977 – 1990;
• Mayor of Sofia from 1967 to 1971;
• The Minister of Architecture and Town-planning from 1971 – 1973;
• A member of parliament in the National Assembly from 1967 to 1990 – in its Vth (1966 – 1971), VIth (1971 – 1976); VIIth (1976 – 1981); VIIIth (1981 – 1986) and IXth (1986 – 1990) member compositions;
• A member – titular of the working group “Forming and Practicing the Profession” of the International Union of Architects;
• Founder and Secretary General of the Balkan Conference of Architects
• Founder and President of the World Centre for Technical Information and Urbanism (WCTIU) of the World Federation of Fellowship Towns (WFFT);
• Vice President of the World Federation of the Fellowship Towns (WFFT) from 1970 to 1976;
• Vice president of the International Council of Regional Economy, and its lecturer at its congress in Paris in 1980;
• Organizer of two world intercommunal conferences: “Man and their Living Environment in the Cities” – 1972 and “Planning and Development of Cities” – 1978;
• Participant in all congresses of the International Union of Architects from the middle of the 60’s of the XXth century and still: VIII congress, 1965 – Paris, (France); IX congress, 1967 – Prague (Czechoslovakia); X congress, 1969 – Buenos Aires (Argentina); XI congress, 1972 – Varna (Bulgaria); XII congress, 1975 – Madrid (Spain), XIII congress, 1978 – Mexico (Mexico); XIV congress, 1981 – Warsaw, (Poland); XV congress, 1985 – Cairo (Egypt); XVI congress, 1987 – Brighton (UK); XVII congress, 1990 – Montreal (Canada); XVIII congress, 1993 – Chicago (USA); XIX congress, 196 – Barcelona (Spain); XX congress, 1999 – Peking (China); XXI congress, 2002 – Berlin (Germany);
• Participant in the Assemblies of the International Union of Architects, which accompany the congresses and such which have taken place in other cities, different from the cities of the congresses held from 1965 to 2003: 1969 – Barilosh (Argentina); 1975 – Venice (Italy); 1978 – Acapulco (Mexico); 1981 – Katovitze (Poland); 1987 – Dublin (Ireland) and many others;
• Initiator, organizer and chairman of the Organization Council and the International Jury of the World biannual and triennial of Architecture “Interarch” from the first – 1981 to the last, tenth jubilee forum, held in 2003;
• Sponsor and chairman of the Editors Council of the
• Sponsor and chairman of the Editors Council of the International Almanac “Architecture and Society”
• President of the International Union of Architects from 1985 to 1987;
• Founder and President of the International Academy of Architecture from 1987 until 2018;
• Honorary President of the International Academy of Architecture since 2018;
• Founder of the Science and Research Academic Design Institute “Interproject” of the International Academy of Architecture;
• Author of books and monographs, scholarly papers and articles on topical issues of architecture… these are only a part of the significant challenges Arch. Georgi Stoilov has put before himself.
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